September 6, 2012
It's still hot and today I hit the treadmill. I decided to do my run before the kids got home from school today. That meant I had to run The Mill. How many times and how many different ways can I say it: Boring, boring, boring, boring, was a struggle for even the mind tricks and I was grasping for them.
There's not much I can say about this run because it was incredibly boring and it was still so hot! When I got off The Mill to post to the running website my nose was still running and my heart was still pounding and I felt good.
I'm disappointed to say that my husband has backed out of the race on Saturday. My poor little heart was broken by this news and I hate winning by default but he says that he just can't run it. He's not been training and he says he knows he can't run three miles. I find that I am not as excited to run this 5k now that he won't be running. I hope I find the excitement before the race. That is, after all, what all this training is about this week.
Since this run was so boring I will keep this short. Here's the numbers: Distance was 3.17, time 38 minutes. My pace was 12:00 and that was steady and regular since I was on The Mill. I'm satisfied with this run and I feel prepared for Saturday. I'm still debating whether to run tomorrow or not since Race Day is Saturday. I guess I will make that decision tomorrow.
Happy Running!
These are the ramblings of a woman who has recently discovered the joys of running. I will try to keep to the subject of running but can't promise that I won't post about other life events as well.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Me Mind on Fire, Me Soul on Fire, Feeling HOT HOT HOT!
September 4, 2012
Well, it may be September but it is still HOT, HOT, HOT! Tonight was cheer practice again. I hit the trail and I've decided that I do NOT like it! One circuit around the whole trail itself isn't a full mile and I don't like that. I like for one round to be a rounded for instance I know that it takes four times around the track at the high school to run a mile. This makes sense to me. I start in one place, end in that one place and that is one quarter of a mile....four quarters make a whole so four times around is one mile. This is what I refer to as round. The trail has no sense of measurement that I can make of it yet. That sentence didn't come out's kind of like the "timey-wimey, wibbley-wobbley" sentence that the Doctor says got away from in the "Blink" episode of Doctor Who. I guess that sentence got away from me! What I'm trying to say is that once you've made it a mile around the trail, you are now starting from a different position and then you have to go further around to go a mile again so when you start the next mile you are starting from an even further position than when you started in the first place. This doesn't feel neat and tidy to me if that makes sense. call me OCD. I guess I am about this. I want to start in one place and be able to make sense of the distance. But as long as we have cheer practice out here I'm stuck with "The Trail" so I will have to figure it out or just deal with it."
No mind tricks tonight. It was hot. I had to walk a little bit because the trail has a hill that darn near kicks my butt every time I run up it. It's a steep slope to start with but then it appears to level out but this is merely a Jedi mind trick because despite what your eyes tell you, you are still climbing. Then just when you think you're in the clear and you've recovered from the hill in disguise, The Trail hits you with another one and you're winded again. And before you know it you're back at the hill in disguise. Toward the end I was done in and I had to walk up the disguised hill. I was just too pooped.
I stopped at a little over two miles and crossed the street to go sit in my chair and drink a gallon of water but just as I sat down my daughter decided that she needed to go to the bathroom. Since the bathrooms are across the street, the cheer coaches don't let the girls go alone so she asked me to take her. I did and when I take her I don't cross to the portapotties. We go to the real bathroom that's further down than just across the road. After bringing her back I was feeling a little rested so I decided that since I only had about a half mile to go to finish a 5k distance (and since I did have a 5k coming up in the very near about four days!) I headed back out onto The Trail again. Once I hit the 5k distance I walked a little bit to cool down.
As you all know I'm not terribly keen on walking as it feels like failure to me and I'm not really big on restarting once I've stopped as that feels like cheating but I'm feeling alright about this run. It was terribly hot out even for evening and this could account for having to walk, especially on hills. I find that when it is hot like that I end up having to walk. So I'm not so upset about having to walk this time. So, all in all, it was a good run.
Here's the numbers: My distance was 3.43 miles. I don't remember what portion of that I ran and what portion was the walk at the end. It took me 53 minutes to complete this run and my pace was 15:19, keeping in mind that this is an average by my Garmin (or the website I post my runs on; I'm not positive which is doing the averaging). I'm finding a little bit of discrepancy between the Garmin Connect and the site I post my runs on. Garmin Connect says my time was 44:30 with an average pace of 12:59 and a best pace of 8:19. While these numbers are much more attractive to me than the previous ones, I'm not going to claim as gospel. I don't understand the discrepancy since both runs were uploaded from the same device, just to different websites. I will have to look into it. At any rate it was a good run and Saturday is the Popeye Annual 5k so I will try to get a couple more runs in before racing day. I want to be ready but I don't want to over do it. I will probably take Friday off to rest.
Happy Running!
Well, it may be September but it is still HOT, HOT, HOT! Tonight was cheer practice again. I hit the trail and I've decided that I do NOT like it! One circuit around the whole trail itself isn't a full mile and I don't like that. I like for one round to be a rounded for instance I know that it takes four times around the track at the high school to run a mile. This makes sense to me. I start in one place, end in that one place and that is one quarter of a mile....four quarters make a whole so four times around is one mile. This is what I refer to as round. The trail has no sense of measurement that I can make of it yet. That sentence didn't come out's kind of like the "timey-wimey, wibbley-wobbley" sentence that the Doctor says got away from in the "Blink" episode of Doctor Who. I guess that sentence got away from me! What I'm trying to say is that once you've made it a mile around the trail, you are now starting from a different position and then you have to go further around to go a mile again so when you start the next mile you are starting from an even further position than when you started in the first place. This doesn't feel neat and tidy to me if that makes sense. call me OCD. I guess I am about this. I want to start in one place and be able to make sense of the distance. But as long as we have cheer practice out here I'm stuck with "The Trail" so I will have to figure it out or just deal with it."
No mind tricks tonight. It was hot. I had to walk a little bit because the trail has a hill that darn near kicks my butt every time I run up it. It's a steep slope to start with but then it appears to level out but this is merely a Jedi mind trick because despite what your eyes tell you, you are still climbing. Then just when you think you're in the clear and you've recovered from the hill in disguise, The Trail hits you with another one and you're winded again. And before you know it you're back at the hill in disguise. Toward the end I was done in and I had to walk up the disguised hill. I was just too pooped.
I stopped at a little over two miles and crossed the street to go sit in my chair and drink a gallon of water but just as I sat down my daughter decided that she needed to go to the bathroom. Since the bathrooms are across the street, the cheer coaches don't let the girls go alone so she asked me to take her. I did and when I take her I don't cross to the portapotties. We go to the real bathroom that's further down than just across the road. After bringing her back I was feeling a little rested so I decided that since I only had about a half mile to go to finish a 5k distance (and since I did have a 5k coming up in the very near about four days!) I headed back out onto The Trail again. Once I hit the 5k distance I walked a little bit to cool down.
As you all know I'm not terribly keen on walking as it feels like failure to me and I'm not really big on restarting once I've stopped as that feels like cheating but I'm feeling alright about this run. It was terribly hot out even for evening and this could account for having to walk, especially on hills. I find that when it is hot like that I end up having to walk. So I'm not so upset about having to walk this time. So, all in all, it was a good run.
Here's the numbers: My distance was 3.43 miles. I don't remember what portion of that I ran and what portion was the walk at the end. It took me 53 minutes to complete this run and my pace was 15:19, keeping in mind that this is an average by my Garmin (or the website I post my runs on; I'm not positive which is doing the averaging). I'm finding a little bit of discrepancy between the Garmin Connect and the site I post my runs on. Garmin Connect says my time was 44:30 with an average pace of 12:59 and a best pace of 8:19. While these numbers are much more attractive to me than the previous ones, I'm not going to claim as gospel. I don't understand the discrepancy since both runs were uploaded from the same device, just to different websites. I will have to look into it. At any rate it was a good run and Saturday is the Popeye Annual 5k so I will try to get a couple more runs in before racing day. I want to be ready but I don't want to over do it. I will probably take Friday off to rest.
Happy Running!
I Went to the Animal Fair
September 3, 2012
No run today. Today my youngest daughter and I went to the zoo again. This time it was for a birthday party. Two years ago we moved from a small town to where we live now and my son and daughter had to leave their friends. My daughter has maintained one of the close friendships she had made over the years, in part due to the close friendship I have maintained with the mother of her friend. So to celebrate that friend's ten year old birthday we packed up and headed to the zoo for a safari!
We had loads of fun and of course took lots of pictures. We love going to the zoo but this time we took the safari tour that they offer. It was very inexpensive ($10) and a guide takes you to various exhibits and shares information about those exhibits. We learned a lot and had a great time.
No mileage today since I didn't wear my Garmin. I was going to but I forgot it. It was a great day and we were blessed to spend it with good friends.
Happy Running,
No run today. Today my youngest daughter and I went to the zoo again. This time it was for a birthday party. Two years ago we moved from a small town to where we live now and my son and daughter had to leave their friends. My daughter has maintained one of the close friendships she had made over the years, in part due to the close friendship I have maintained with the mother of her friend. So to celebrate that friend's ten year old birthday we packed up and headed to the zoo for a safari!
We had loads of fun and of course took lots of pictures. We love going to the zoo but this time we took the safari tour that they offer. It was very inexpensive ($10) and a guide takes you to various exhibits and shares information about those exhibits. We learned a lot and had a great time.
No mileage today since I didn't wear my Garmin. I was going to but I forgot it. It was a great day and we were blessed to spend it with good friends.
Happy Running,
Quick Note to Explain
September 27, 2012
It has been almost a month since I have posted anything and I almost didn't start tonight but I need to get back to running regularly and I need to get back to posting regularly as well and despite (or maybe it is because of) the crappy day I have had today I decided to get caught up as I have several entries to write and post.
I didn't run tonight even though it was cheer leading practice night. I didn't even take my daughter to cheer leading practice tonight. This afternoon my mother called to tell me the lump they found in her breast is most likely cancerous. Needless to say I am extremely upset and forgive me but I do believe due to this circumstance I am allowed to crawl into my shell and cry like a baby. She did call later this evening to say she isn't worried because her husband's daughter, whose mother died of breast cancer, has had the same type of lumps - my mother said the mass had "spikes" coming out from it and apparently her husband's daughter has the same type of mass - and apparently the doctors told her they are positive it is cancer only to find out they were wrong. So my mother is determined (rightfully so) to be positive about this until she has reason not to be. I will take her lead but part of me still harbors some fear and worry. I am working on letting that go and with God's help I will.
So, having gotten that off my chest, I will commence the updating of the blog in backdated chronological order because that's how I roll....
Happy Running,

It has been almost a month since I have posted anything and I almost didn't start tonight but I need to get back to running regularly and I need to get back to posting regularly as well and despite (or maybe it is because of) the crappy day I have had today I decided to get caught up as I have several entries to write and post.
I didn't run tonight even though it was cheer leading practice night. I didn't even take my daughter to cheer leading practice tonight. This afternoon my mother called to tell me the lump they found in her breast is most likely cancerous. Needless to say I am extremely upset and forgive me but I do believe due to this circumstance I am allowed to crawl into my shell and cry like a baby. She did call later this evening to say she isn't worried because her husband's daughter, whose mother died of breast cancer, has had the same type of lumps - my mother said the mass had "spikes" coming out from it and apparently her husband's daughter has the same type of mass - and apparently the doctors told her they are positive it is cancer only to find out they were wrong. So my mother is determined (rightfully so) to be positive about this until she has reason not to be. I will take her lead but part of me still harbors some fear and worry. I am working on letting that go and with God's help I will.
So, having gotten that off my chest, I will commence the updating of the blog in backdated chronological order because that's how I roll....
Happy Running,

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