It has been almost a month since I have posted anything and I almost didn't start tonight but I need to get back to running regularly and I need to get back to posting regularly as well and despite (or maybe it is because of) the crappy day I have had today I decided to get caught up as I have several entries to write and post.
I didn't run tonight even though it was cheer leading practice night. I didn't even take my daughter to cheer leading practice tonight. This afternoon my mother called to tell me the lump they found in her breast is most likely cancerous. Needless to say I am extremely upset and forgive me but I do believe due to this circumstance I am allowed to crawl into my shell and cry like a baby. She did call later this evening to say she isn't worried because her husband's daughter, whose mother died of breast cancer, has had the same type of lumps - my mother said the mass had "spikes" coming out from it and apparently her husband's daughter has the same type of mass - and apparently the doctors told her they are positive it is cancer only to find out they were wrong. So my mother is determined (rightfully so) to be positive about this until she has reason not to be. I will take her lead but part of me still harbors some fear and worry. I am working on letting that go and with God's help I will.
So, having gotten that off my chest, I will commence the updating of the blog in backdated chronological order because that's how I roll....
Happy Running,

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