Thursday, May 23, 2013

No Clever Title Today....Too Tired....

May 23, 2013

It's been a busy week this week.  Our cat had kittens yesterday and I spent the day watching over her and the new kittens.  It was fascinating!  This is the second cat that I've had who has had kittens and I've watched give birth.  I was going to get on the treadmill yesterday but it just didn't happen.  So today I knew I had to get a run in so I got dressed and got on the treadmill.

This was an uneventful run.  I'm just too tired to write much about it so I'll just give details and be done (I'm sitting on the floor; I'm hungry, sweaty and my butt hurts from the hard floor so we'll be brief.)

I ran two miles @ 5.0 MPH for a pace of 12:00.  I then walked .5 mile @ a pace of 3.6 MPH for a pace of 16:40.  I'm not sure how long it took because at 1.5 miles I stopped and I messed up the treadmill so I had to turn it off and turn it back on again....but I know it takes  24 minutes to run two miles at 5.0 MPH and it takes 16:40 to walk a mile at 3.6 MPH so that would be 24 minutes for the two miles and 8:20 for the half mile bringing the total up to 32:20 but when I plugged it into my online website it said 36 minutes and gave me an overall pace of 14:10 or something like that.  That can't be right but I'm too tired to go dink with it.  At any rate...this run made me tired and I'm still incredibly out of shape.  I need to get cracking because I've only got two weeks before I run my first 5k.  It's a Color Blaze run and should be fun.....if I can get back into shape!  The week after that is the Susan G. Komen.  I will be ready for that one although now I'm regretting signing up for the timing chip.  I'm so out of shape that I know my time will be much worse than last year!  However, that's not what that run is about.  It's about raising money to help those women who need financial help with preventative care, mammograms and treatment for breast cancer.  I'm asking that if you can, please donate to help these women.....even if it's only a few dollars.  Those few dollars can help!

Happy running!


Copy and past this URL in your browser to donate to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure:

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