Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Say Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?


Day Two of Operation Get Back In Shape

Today was a much better day than yesterday.  Today I set up The Mill in the garage.  Actually, The Mill was already in the garage.  While our new house has more bedrooms than our old house, it doesn't seem to have as much space so there was no where to put The Mill in the house.  So we left it in the garage.  I thought it would be better out there anyway.  The original plan was to put it in the corner of the garage but it turns out the lady who lived here before left a cabinet (Yay!  Thanks, lady who lived here before!) and while I did spend a whole afternoon straightening and rearranging the garage (we pronounce it Guh rah gee because it's funny to say it that way) we still have a bunch of boxes that we have to get rid of so they are kind of strategically piled up and stacked until we can find a way to dispose of them without torking off the garbage people too much.  My step mother said we could bring them to their house and burn them so that's probably what we will do.  Anyway, so right now The Mill is kind of pushed off to the side and surrounded by stuff (although it's all very neat and tidy and organized, it's still stuff that's not supposed to be there.)  I pulled the truck (did I mention my wonderful husband bought me an awesome truck?  It's a 2006 Honda Pilot and I LOVE it!  Let's hear it for awesome husbands!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!) out of the garage and moved The Mill out.  It turned out rather well.  It was far enough into the garage that I can't really be seen unless you are coming down the street toward our house but out enough that I don't feel claustrophobic.

Since yesterday was such a hard run I decided that I was only going to run a mile and then see how I felt.  I started out with the usual pace (5 MPH for a pace of 12:00) and at half a mile I stopped have a drink.  It's hotter where we live and I was running in the garage with no air conditioning so I figured I better maintain hydration.  I started up again and by the time I hit one mile I felt pretty good.  I kept going for another half a mile.  I stopped there because I was feeling tired and although I didn't want to stop, I knew if I didn't I would feel sore tomorrow and I would use that as an excuse not to run again.  Since I didn't want to stop I went ahead and walked another half a mile so I could burn a few more calories.

Today felt much better than yesterday and I never thought I'd say this but I felt much better on The Mill today than I did on the street yesterday.  I'm not sure why that is.  I suppose it's because when I'm on the street I set my own pace and yesterday I started out at a pace of 9:32 (I think that's what it was) and burned myself out very quickly.  When I get on The Mill I hit the 5 button and it starts me at 5 MPH.  It doesn't change unless I change it and it keeps me steady and going.  I believe I'm going to continue to run The Mill until I get back in shape.  This way I'm sure not to burn myself out.  Plus when I'm on The Mill I have easy access to water.  I like water.  I like ice water with lots of ice in it to keep me hydrated.  When running on the street there's that pesky problem of how to carry water.  When I'm not on a track I can't set it down somewhere and stop to get a drink when I want it.  On The Mill it's in the handy little cup holder all nice and cold and dripping so I can wipe my cold, wet hand across my face when I'm too hot.  So, until I'm back in shape I will be on The Mill.  Never thought I'd prefer The Mill to the street.  Imagine that!

Okay...time for the details:  I ran 1.5 miles @ 5 MPH for a pace of 12:00.  It took 18 minutes.  I then walked .5 mile @ 3.6 MPH for a pace of 16:40.  It took 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

Pretty satisfied with today's run.  Will do it again tomorrow.

Happy Running!


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