July 2, 2012
It's hot, hot, hot out there but I knew I needed to get out there and get my run in. I considered hitting the dreaded "mill" but decided I had better continue to get my body used to running outside in the heat. I hit the court house run. My husband says it is exactly one mile from our house to the court house. He's wrong. It's a tad bit farther according to my Garmin. I will introduce you all to my Garmin but that's a whole 'nother blog! So anyway, I hit the court house run today. It was super hot and I will admit to being a bit of a baby about the heat. The run there wasn't so bad. My pace was not what I would prefer it to be; it was around 10:06 and as I have discovered this whole new competitive side of myself I would prefer it to be faster. However, I also have to remember that I am still a beginner and I need to recognize that I am not going to be winning any marathons any time soon, especially when the hills around town are consistently kicking my butt....more on that in a second! So it took me about 10:54 to get to the court house. I did a little victory dance on the corner (and got a strange look from the guy who was turning onto the street) before I turned and headed back home.
On the way back I had to slow down since the way to the court house is down hill which means the way back is up hill. UGH! It is much harder to go up than it is to go down, DUH! Unfortunately for me, it's the way back so I ended up walking a bit. (This is the part where the hills around town are kicking my butt!) I tried very hard to run them but I ended up walking a little bit. So far the score is Hills: 1, Karla: 0. But since I am training for the annual Popeye 5k and there is still two months before the race I have time to battle and I do believe I will win. Average pace for mile two was 11:21 which again I am not happy with but as I believe in being positive at least I got out there and ran despite the heat.
Today's run was a two mile to the court house and back. It took 22 minutes and 55 seconds and my average pace was 10:43. The original plan was to run three miles but it was just too dang hot!
A note on the upcoming 5k. After I ran the Susan G. Komen 5k Race for the Cure I knew this was something I was going to continue to do so I was incredibly excited when my husband told me that our town holds an annual 5k. I told him I was going to run it and asked my husband if he was going to run it with me. He said maybe. I then brazenly (stupidly) threw down the gauntlet and challenged him to a race....now keep in mind he's not been training as I have and I fully expected him to say no but to my surprised he picked up the gauntlet, accepted the challenge so now me and my big mouth are training super hard. Good luck to me and my big mouth!
Happy Running!
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