My mother in law called this afternoon to say she was going out for Chinese this evening and asked if we wanted to go along. I've been craving Chinese for a long time so I said absolutely yes! It was around 5:00 and we decided that since it's summer and we've been eating late these days that we wouldn't leave until around 7:00. I decided that I had time for a run and since I hadn't been very good about keeping up with my running (stupid heat!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) that I needed to get out there and get into it again.
As I was gearing up for my run my youngest daughter came into my room. She saw me dressed and geared and asked if she could come along. Now, I love to hang out with my daughter. I love everything about her, her smile, her cheerful voice, her pretty little face and her conversation but I'm finding more and more as I continue my running that my running is becoming more and more "Me Time" and I am very jealous over it. I just don't want to share it. But, she was begging and I hate to hurt her feelings so I said she could go along. After all, she is fast on her scooter and as long as she stays in front of me, I don't have to worry about where she is and whether she is safe as much. This is my only concern with running with kids.....well, that and sometimes they chit chat and when I'm in the zone I don't feel particularly chatty; come on folks, 'fess up, you feel the same way! So I agreed to let her come along.
Things were going well and despite the heat. Then, my daughter began lagging behind and that's unusual for her. Have I mentioned she's really fast on her scooter and normally is in front of me? I was feeling a little exasperated at having to slow down and continually look behind to see where she was. I hit the .88 mile point and my daughter was considerably behind. I turned around and called "Hurry up, Puss" and she said she felt low. That means she felt like her blood sugar was low. My daughter is ten and just three months ago was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We control her blood sugar with insulin. Since summer has kicked in our schedule has been off and we've been eating at weird times and this means that when we go for our run/scooter ride she may or may not have eaten anything. Usually I nag her about eating and we take care of it before we leave. This time I was focused on getting my run in and hadn't really planned on taking her with me so I forgot to ask her if she'd eaten anything. At that point we turned around and headed back home. Her health is much more important than my getting a run in.
Overall this was a terrible run. It was hot and my daughter was not herself and we didn't even complete our run. We only went 1.67 miles; it took us twenty-five minutes and our overall pace was 15:05. This was because the longer we were out, the slower my daughter walked. I tried to get her home as fast as we could but she wouldn't even scooter which didn't make sense to me. It takes more energy to walk than it does to push off and make the scooter go. I also felt pretty crappy by the time we got home although we got the blood sugar issue taken care of and we had a nice dinner with NaNa and all the family.
Incidentally, I have decided that I will not run with the kids again. As I said before, it is rapidly becoming "Me Time" and is something of an escape from the daily humdrum of life. I prefer to be alone with myself and my feet hitting the pavement to the beat of whatever particular song is playing on the iPod. If that makes me selfish, then so be it. Everyone has something they are selfish about and this is mine! I don't think that makes me a bad person and at least I'm honest about it.
Happy Running!
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