Tuesday, August 28, 2012


August 27, 2012

Today was a flop day to start with.  I didn't sleep well last night.  Went to bed around 2:00 which I keep telling myself I will stop doing (and look at me now, up late again....) so when it came to getting up today it was rough.  Got up to get kids ready for school and then went back to bed because I just wasn't feeling well but I couldn't sleep.  My sister in law texted me this morning and then I got to thinking about what she was texting me about and finally fell asleep.  I slept until 1:30 OMGoodness I did NOT intend to do that.  I then remembered that I had to get my daughter's test strips refilled at the pharmacy.  My husband asked me to stop at the doctor's office to pick up a sports physical form for his son who wanted to go out for cross country and had to have the form to school by today.  So, I stopped at WalMart, dropped off the prescription then headed to the doctor's office.  Went back to WalMart, picked up a few things and the prescription.  Drove to the school, dropped off the form, picked up an insurance waiver form, found out my husband's son forgot to take the check to pay for cross country.  Went to the car, called my husband to tell him I would come back home and pick up the check since I didn't have a checkbook in my purse, found out he was on his way to the school on his bicycle so I just headed home....already I felt like I put in a full day even though I really hadn't.  Got home, put a load of laundry in the dryer and sat down to recap on my plans for the day.  So far in my day nothing had gone to plan.  Kids got home from school and we realized my husband's son (after all that running around to get all the ducks in the row so he could go to practice today) had come home and not gone to cross country practice.  UGH!  So.....after all this I remembered I wanted to get a run in sometime.

It was getting late and my daughter was hungry so I decided to go ahead and cook some supper.  I had planned on having cube steaks, butter noodles, blueberry muffins, and corn but the cube steaks turned out to be bad so I had to go with Plan B.  I found some hamburgers in the freezer, fried them up and decided to hit the treadmill.  Unfortunately, my iPod was on the fritz and it was low battery so I plugged it in to charge it up and wait for my daughter to finish her supper so we could give her insulin.  By this time it was almost 8:00 and I was feeling like skipping my run altogether but something in me kicked and wouldn't let me skip since I've already skipped two days and have been feeling guilty about it.  So I begrudgingly got up out of my chair and dragged the treadmill out and fired her up.

My intention was to run four miles at 5.0 MPH and figured it would take me 48 minutes since I know that pace at 5.0 MPH is 12:00 which means I'm running a mile in twelve minutes so four times twelve is forty-eight minutes.  That was my plan.....yeah, right.  I got on there and quite frankly, I wanted to quit at half a mile.  What?  How did I get so out of shape?  I was out of breath and I just wanted to quit.  But I'm not quitter so I figured I'd have to use some pretty distracting mental tricks.  Unfortunately, I was fresh out of those and the only thing I could do to keep myself distracted was to count.  I counted seconds, I counted tenths of a mile, I counted anything I could think of to count.  There's several different minute counts:  There's the actual count the seconds in a minute minute count.  Then there's the how many minutes do I have to go minute count.  There's the how many minutes left to run a mile, how many to run half a mile minute count.  Then there's the count to one hundred to calculate the mile.  So much counting but the whole thing is to distract myself from the torture of this run.  It was awful....just awful and I wanted to stop so badly but I didn't.  I'm glad I didn't.  I just couldn't let myself off easy.

So here's the breakdown because I just don't want to talk about this horrible run anymore.  I ran on the treadmill tonight because it was getting late and I knew if I ran outside I wouldn't do a full three miles.  I ran with the treadmill incline set at 2.0, running @ 5.0 MPH.  My pace was 12:00 and I ran a total of 3.166 miles.  It took me 38 minutes exactly.  I would've stopped at 3.1 miles but it was an odd number and I prefer to stop at a round even number.  Silly, I know but there it is...another one of my quirks.  I'm glad to be done with this run, both running it and talking about it.  I prefer to never think about this one again but I know that wouldn't be very productive because it's runs like these that help me remember not to quit so I won't have to start all over again and have to go through the awfulness of how this felt again.

Happy Running!


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