Monday, August 13, 2012


August 13, 2012

So last night, or rather early this morning, I was working on a Facebook page for this blog and I was uploading a bunch of pictures that have inspirational sayings on them.  I began to think about inspiration and what inspires me.  I was looking at the pictures I added to the page and thinking about what I wanted to say in the description portion.  The description portion of a Facebook page picture doesn't give you enough space to really explain why you like the particular saying or rather what about that particular saying inspires you.  So I thought I'd use the next few blogs to explain exactly what inspires me about each one.

"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."  This one just makes me feel better about myself because it really is true.  One thing that bothers me about myself is that I'm slow.  For me being slow feels like failure and I'm very hard on myself.  This keeps me balanced and reminds me that being slow isn't failure; it's beginning.  Even if I am slower than I want to be, I'm faster than anyone who is still sitting on the couch.  If I can inspire anyone who is still sitting on the couch, that would inspire me.

"Keep calm & run on"  This reminds me that running is one of my favorite forms of destressing.  A couple weeks ago when I was upset after an argument with my husband I grabbed my running shoes and hit the streets.  When I returned from my run, my head was clear and I was able to think without my emotions getting in the way.  I believe that running can be something spiritual if you can understand what that means.  If you can't understand it, let me see if I can try to explain it a little better.  When you think of spirituality you immediately think of religion.  And since I'm a very religious person I would normally agree.  But when I say spiritual in this case I'm talking about the feeling that you get when you are doing whatever you do when you worship.  That feeling of peace when you pray or sing or read your Bible.  For me, running is one way to bring me closer to God.  I know that probably sounds kind of corny but I feel like when I am trying to improve my body I am bringing myself closer to God.  I don't feel like I'm explaining how I feel well but I'm trying.  Running, you are alone in your head, even while you are listening to music.  You are in tune with your body and being that connected to your thoughts and the physicality of your body is a very personal and introspective experience.  That is spiritual to me.

"I guarantee that if you give up now, you will give it another shot someday.  Maybe in a month.  Maybe 6 days.  Maybe even 14.  But I know you want this and you won't stop until you get it.  So don't stop NOW.  Because when you start again you're going to look and think "Why the hell didn't I keep going?"  It'll be hard now or it'll be hard later.  YOU PICK."  This might seem self explanatory and quite frankly, it is.  You know how you feel when something is hard and you want to give up?  Yeah, thought so.  So I do.  I am going through it right now.  You want something but it's hard and you don't like hard and you want to quit.  Hard isn't fun.....well, yeah, it isn't fun but you want this.  You WANT this.  You know I'm right.  So why quit now?  You're just going to start again and let me tell you something.  It's not just going to be hard later; it's going to be a lot harder later.  Wanna know how I know this?  I'll tell you!  I've stopped before.  And you would be amazed at how quickly you lose what you've gained once you stopped.  When I stop it's always twice as hard to start up again.  When I stop, then I'm one of the ones who are on the couch and who's lapping me?  I don't want to be the one being lapped.  I want to be the one doing the lapping.  I always regret when I stop because it does feel like failure and failure to me is not an option.  The lesson here?  Don't stop; keep going.  This is what inspires me about this one.

So, these are the first three inspirations I wanted to share with you all.  What inspires you?

Happy Running!


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