Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Moving, moving, moving

July 30, 2013

So, you may (or may not) have noticed I haven't posted in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time.  I've got a really good reason.  We've spent the past couple of months moving.  My husband got a job and we've uprooted the entire family and moved to another state.  It's been a really rough couple of months and it's hard for me to get back in the saddle again.  As a matter of fact, I haven't run since the Color Blaze!  That makes me ashamed but I can't seem to get back to it.  Part of the problem is that we broke the treadmill when we moved.  If you've read me regularly you'll know about my love/hate relationship with my treadmill....we love to hate each other.  But, I must say, it was a sad moment.  We had put the treadmill in the Uhaul and somehow when we took it back out the whole top part, the plastic part that attaches to the metal hand rails came loose so you can lift the whole top part up.  I'm afraid to get on it.  It sounds silly and like I'm a little dumb but I don't know if it's safe for me to get on it.  Plus there's no where for us to put it in the house so we put it in the garage...I have a garage now.  I'm so excited!  I've never had a garage before.  I'm so excited!!!!!  Anyway, so the treadmill is in the garage and the garage is a mess right now and I can't even put the Mill down anyway!  :-(

So, we've moved to another state and now I have to find a new route to run.  At this point my husband has recommended that I only stay within the neighborhood since the whole Zimmerman/Martin thing.  We had an abduction/attack not to far from where we live so my husband has told me not to leave the neighborhood, especially if I'm going to be alone.  I think I might carry mace too.  I don't want to be a victim.  It's really sad that I even have to think about these things.  :-(  Such is the world we live in these days.

So at any rate, I need to get back to it and I will and I don't know what's stopping me.  My husband's job has a program that rewards employees & their spouses for exercise.  I told my husband that I will take part in the program but so far I haven't even begun.  If anyone has any suggestions as to how to get up off my bum and off to a start let me know.  Until then I will keep working to being inspired.

Happy Running,


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