Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Poppy and Grammy, Running the 5k!

July 20, 2012

Poppy sitting again today and we had her overnight.  I have in the past said that when we have Poppy over it's impossible for me to run.  Well, I have been proven wrong.  My youngest daughter nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged and nagged for me to let her take Poppy on a walk.  I refused because A)  Poppy is only four months old and my daughter is only ten and B)  It's hotter than blazes out there and I didn't think it was a good idea for the baby to be out in it.  It's probably not a good idea for my daughter to be out in it either come to think of it!  Anyway, so my husband decided to take the boys on a bike ride.  I stepped outside and noticed that it had cooled off considerably and decided to indulge my daughter and go ahead and take Poppy out to see how she liked riding in the stroller.

We initially had some technical difficulties.  Poppy is still small and the stroller we have is an umbrella stroller and the straps weren't quite tight enough.  However, Poppy seemed fine and she even seemed to like it.  So we set off on the courthouse run only we started out walking.  We got distracted by the neighbors across the street.  Mrs. J. hadn't seen Poppy so we popped in and visited for a bit.  She thoroughly enjoyed holding the baby and we had a nice visit.  Then we set off, me pushing the stroller, my daughter riding her scooter.  It wasn't long before I was feeling the itch and so I started to jog a little.  Poppy seemed to enjoy the ride so before you know it we were off and running.  Okay....so maybe we weren't running....but we were going and I was beginning to work up a sweat.

We made it to the courthouse at a slow jog/walk with a bouncy step and turned around.  About this time Poppy decided she wasn't quite as happy in the stroller as she had been when we started out.  She began to get fussy so I picked up the pace despite my feet hurting.  I wasn't wearing my running shoes and the shoes I was wearing were rubbing a blister on my right pinky toe.  Those shoes were NOT made for running!  OUCH!  But, Poppy wasn't happy so run we must so we could stop at the snow cone place where they have benches so we could take her out and give her a bottle.  The pace was quicker but not fast enough because by the time we made it to the snow cone shop Poppy was in full roar.  :-(  We took her out and held her.  I tried to give her a bottle but she didn't want it.  She had just had enough of the stroller!  (Incidentally, with our crying baby we scared off a group of teenagers who had been sitting around goofing off and cussing at the snow cone shop, LOL!)  Since my daughter was on her scooter I ended up holding Poppy and pushing the stroller for just under a half a mile home.  It was rather difficult but Poppy was happy to be out of the stroller and in Grammy's arms!

This was an unplanned two mile "run" and despite having no idea what my pace was or even how long it took, all in all I am quite pleased with it.  My daughter and I spent some quality time with each and with my granddaughter.  We had a lot of fun and I think for the most part, Poppy enjoyed it too.  We will have to find a way to make her more comfortable in the stroller and maybe next time we won't go so far.  Pushing a stroller with one hand and holding a baby with the other isn't quite comfortable!  Nor was running in the wrong shoes!  OUCH!  However, getting out in the cool evening and running with my kids was wonderful!

Happy Running!


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